osoma bin laden dead

osoma bin laden dead. Osama bin Laden Dead
  • Osama bin Laden Dead

  • gdesalvo@umail.
    Jan 13, 05:28 PM
    Seriously Macbook Air is lame. Imo there's something in the air refers to TV shows airing on itunes, or some likewise related movie announcement meant to bring some new entertainment to itunes/mac.

    Macbook Air...Steve must be laughing his ass off right now

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden dead Navy. of
  • Osama Bin Laden dead Navy. of

  • tobefirst
    Oct 10, 04:53 PM
    ...and if you already have an image tied to that person, it will overwrite it with their twitter pic

    I don't care for that at all either. In fact, I would like to have it the other way- it shows my contact pic INSTEAD OF a tweeter's picture if I have one. It just replaced my sister's picture with the blank Twitter icon. Not cool.

    osoma bin laden dead. that Osama Bin Laden died
  • that Osama Bin Laden died

  • lewis82
    Feb 7, 02:48 PM

    This pic and many more taken from http://www.christian-stoll.com/ ;)

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead body.
  • osama bin laden dead body.

  • gatepc
    Jan 1, 09:35 PM
    Get your key

    key faq

    Thanks! What should I have my parameters set too?

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead. osama
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead. osama

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Sep 26, 01:00 PM
    If you're 47 you were ~23years old when AIDS hit the headlines. When did your 'youth' end? Oh and I'm pretty sure herpes was about, but it shows how bad sex education either state or parental must've been back then!

    It is a matter of historical perspective. Remember Reagan never fully acknowledged the true scope of the of the AIDS epidemic. By some accounts "youth" ends at 25. By popular literature this is the age that we have the "knowledge". "experience", and "wisdom" to make "informed" decisions.

    Given the "knowledge" over the years. why do you think that a musical like "Rent", could even hope o make it it the movies in November?

    Again it seems society differs between the US and many other places. I could legally drink in restaurants with my parents and I think it's legal to drink from 16years when you're having a meal with at least one person over 18years at the discretion of the restaurant although most won't serve to protect their own license.

    I am old enough to remember being able to drink at 18. Some studies I have seen over the years have cast doubt as the effectiveness of 18 being the drinking age.

    For if you are of age to raise a gun, then you should be the age to raise a pint.

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead.
  • osama bin laden dead.

  • nomar383
    Jun 23, 02:32 PM
    Does anyone have a monitor or LCD TV that they want to sell? I have been looking around and decided to check here before making a purchase. Make me an offer, or suggest somewhere with a great deal on LCD monitors right now

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • dmmcintyre3
    Jun 4, 01:58 PM

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead bin laden
  • osama bin laden dead bin laden

  • Doctor Q
    May 2, 04:49 PM
    The eligibility rules in the U.S., which are observed by the Red Cross and other blood donation centers, are very broad in eliminating groups with risk factors, the same way your zip code or your sex might affect your insurance rates. So I can understand why safe or unsafe individuals are frequently misclassified under the rules.

    What's frustrating to many, however, is that the FDA is so slow to update out-of-date rules based on what the science shows. I've read the research reports that show that the lifetime ban on most gay men is too strong a restriction. Whether it's intentional discrimination or bureaucratic sluggishness, they are ruling out many safe and willing donors in the name of safety. Some people blame the Red Cross, but those who want to effect change should lobby the FDA instead.

    The questionnaire I have to fill out each time doesn't ask about sexual orientation, only about sex, but other donor centers might phrase the same questions inappropriately, implying that the rules are about being gay at all. I'd complain if I saw that. But it wouldn't change the rules, only the interview.

    As far as the MacRumors Blood Drive goes, we don't want controversies like this to prevent eligible donors from donating now. That's why we ask those who can't donate, for any reason, to help with publicity and encourage others to donate.

    osoma bin laden dead. Breaking Osama Bin Laden Dead.
  • Breaking Osama Bin Laden Dead.

  • Johnner1999
    May 4, 09:01 PM
    Refurbished iPhone 4s in stores?

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama bin Laden dead Obama
  • Osama bin Laden dead Obama

  • Santabean2000
    Apr 28, 01:05 AM
    *crosses fingers for other surprise*
    (Thunderbolt ACD..?)

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead
  • osama bin laden dead

  • rhodest
    Nov 27, 10:36 PM
    Really just want to see how much my system is worth. Not really for sale. Its a Powermac G4 quicksilver. It has a external dvd burner, 384mb ram, 2 40gb hard drives, and a dell 15" lcd monitor. Anyone have any input as to how much it is worth? Thanks, rhodest

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead or alive.
  • osama bin laden dead or alive.

  • job
    Jul 21, 01:05 PM
    Never mind. It's actually a script I needed to run in the terminal.

    osoma bin laden dead. is osama bin laden dead. osama
  • is osama bin laden dead. osama

  • Dalton63841
    Dec 27, 11:17 AM
    I got nothing for Christmas. That's right. I said nothing. I did get to try Goose for the first time though. All in all, a good day.

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead Celebs
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead Celebs

  • XForge
    Jul 30, 10:42 AM
    Heh, cool, and as with other similar storage technologies, a disc will take 123087012863018 hours to write and blank media will cost $120370860861 each for about the next 10 years. Still, cool!!!! nonetheless.

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden killed in.
  • Osama Bin Laden killed in.

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Nov 20, 04:22 PM
    Sweet. But, there's more to just piggybacking on your mac's airport connection to make calls. I think more has to be done to make this networking possible.

    Yes, I wasn't clear on that. I was envisioning a software stack on the Mac that would help the iPhone make a call, do the NAT-busting, browse the local iTunes store, etc. 802.11n is going to be necessary to reach the far ends of most homes.

    I don't know that 802.11n low-power silicon exists yet. There are a couple folks here would would though.

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama bin Laden dead and
  • Osama bin Laden dead and

  • 100Years
    May 3, 10:11 AM
    It was my bad --- apparently there was a newer driver on the CalDigit website. Works fine now.

    osoma bin laden dead. Time Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Time Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • dornoforpyros
    Sep 24, 08:57 PM
    eh you know the sex is happening and will continue to happen. Just make sure their being smart & safe about it and there's really nothing more you can do.

    osoma bin laden dead. Osama Bin laden dead funny
  • Osama Bin laden dead funny

  • ChrisA
    Jul 26, 06:53 PM
    Anyone Know if Blue-Ray discs are archival? The normal DVD have a high failure rate after a few year in storage. Even CD-R media will not last decades.

    osoma bin laden dead. osama bin laden dead body.
  • osama bin laden dead body.

  • ^^ CoolMacLover
    Dec 11, 11:58 PM
    http://i387.photobucket.com/albums/oo317/meman97/Screenshot2010-12-12at45129PM.png(Yes its the screen saver as my desktop, mhm it moves as time goes by just like the screen saver.

    Its the screen saver Polar Clock 3.0 (http://blog.pixelbreaker.com/polarclock) with the app Wallsaver (http://www.wallsaverapp.com/) running lets you use any screen saver, as your desktop background. :p Now, no need for any questions. Good good :D

    Mar 31, 10:25 AM
    It's cool, but totally pointless other than being used as a tech demo.

    I fully expect that the control will not be fine enough on the layers / brushes, etc to be acceptable for commercial or even personal use. It's hard enough to select and erase layer parts when using a WACOM tablet on a PC or Mac... Now we do the same thing with fingerpaint precision....

    Aug 13, 02:35 AM
    My current wallpaper

    Oct 13, 07:15 AM
    the google maps tweets is AWESOME

    Aug 11, 05:19 PM
    Tweaked it alittle...


    Aug 12, 03:41 AM
    It's a modified version of this (http://static.simpledesktops.com/desktops/2010/07/26/Goro.png).

    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)