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  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 12:00 AM

    4th search result from a Google search for "alias vs. symbolic link (http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en-us&as_qdr=all&q=alias%20vs.%20symbolic%20link&btnG=Search)"

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  • seanmcbay
    Oct 9, 03:13 PM
    Can someone please tell me if Tweetie 2 retains the Ping.fm support from Tweetie 1?

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  • wPod
    Oct 31, 09:50 AM
    The 2GB shuffle!!!! I CANT WAIT TO GET ONE!!!! I hear its going to be as popular as the PowerBook G5!!!

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  • techlover828
    Jun 28, 06:44 PM
    sold to me! thanks bamaworks

    emo guys anime. emo guys anime. Anime Emo / Goth; Anime Emo / Goth. celo48. Mar 15, 02:21 PM. Netflix had an update yesterday for the iPhone. Maybe same for Ipad.
  • emo guys anime. Anime Emo / Goth; Anime Emo / Goth. celo48. Mar 15, 02:21 PM. Netflix had an update yesterday for the iPhone. Maybe same for Ipad.

  • nmrrjw66
    Aug 13, 02:02 PM
    Setup a Static IP address in your Xbox settings by going to network settings and switching to Manual rather than auto. The easiest way to get rid of NAT problems is to host your xbox on a DMZ, which you do by going to your routers settings and entering in the IP address you just assigned to your xbox.

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  • phungy
    Jan 10, 03:39 AM
    I enjoyed the iPhone speech until Steve invited the others to speak...thats when I closed Quicktime.

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  • mcdj
    Mar 28, 12:07 AM
    the guy deserves to lose the money for being stupid.

    That's like saying if someone crosses the street without looking both ways, they deserve to get hit by a car. It's just this kind of Neanderthal "logic" that scumbags like the seller employ to brainwash themselves into thinking they're anything more than pure scum.

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  • Dreadnought
    Jan 26, 03:23 PM
    Hmmm, twoodcc, you're just behind me as the # 17 contributor of our team... Don't think that will last long. There goes my #10 spot in a couple of days :(

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 12:16 PM
    What percentage of iPhone users are on Verizon (world wide)? Serious question, because I don't see how Verizon getting the iPhone 4 has anything to do with an iPhone 5 release date. I really doubt 4g will be coming with the next iPhone. Everyone seems to think Verizon and its customers have some sort of power over apple. Wasn't an issue for the rest of the world and all the carriers and customers that got iPhones mid-cycle between the 3GS and 4.

    Agreed, Apple marches to it' s own beat.

    They will however IMO make any new iphones with dual chips and (hopefully) more memory.

    Still like my iphone 3GS and have the luxury to wait out any release as of September this year.

    Don't always need the latest. If things work don't mess with it.

    Like everybody I do have a wish list of what the next iphone I buy should have.

    Usually Apple only gives you about half of what you want :-)

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  • Lacero
    Mar 6, 11:03 PM

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  • slipper
    Apr 12, 03:23 AM
    For some reason i cant get my iWeb creation to work on Craigslist. I was wondering if someone could help me with this.

    I created what i wanted on iWeb. Uploaded the pics onto my web host and changed the image links. I copy and paste the html into craigslist. But the layout gets messed up. What am i doing wrong?

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  • Search Result for emo guys

  • DisMyMac
    Nov 20, 05:52 AM
    Why do any of you care?

    I'm guessing because it's not a cool store, and they are shallow.

    Surprisingly vain, in fact.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 08:19 AM
    Forget the sales numbers.

    I find it so damn funny that thousands were crying over not having Verizon. Now there's hardly anything positive from those whiners.

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  • Sydde
    May 6, 01:42 AM
    I wonder who we'll end up pissing off now with our policies ...

    Oh, IDK, how about Americans.

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  • View Full Size

  • Flying Llama
    Aug 15, 04:00 PM

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  • arimp
    Oct 12, 03:38 PM
    What do you think of this...?


    Emulating MacOS X on Windows at G4 speed....for $50

    Too good to be true, me thinks

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  • bigjohn
    Apr 4, 11:45 AM
    i didn't pay $499 for my iPhone 4, I paid $299

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  • takao
    Jan 18, 11:20 AM
    Similar thing for the areodynamics.

    really ?
    looking at _production_ cars:
    Toyota Prius from 2009: drag coefficient: 0.25

    Tatra 77a from 1935: 0.21
    Rumpler Tropfenwagen from 1921: 0.28

    the late 30ties were actually the high point in aerodynamics being the focus in automobile manufacturing: there are countless of other examples from the time which simply never made it into production because of the war:
    like the BMW K1 prototype which also achieved a value of 0.23 despite being a full 4 door saloon

    another interesting car: the Fiat Turbina prototype: which had a coefficient of 0.14 (a record for 30 years) but any further development shelved because of problems with the expieremental fuel gazzling overheating turbine engine ;)

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  • Diatribe
    Feb 14, 02:59 AM
    Everybody! Feel free to spam in this thread!!! It won't get wastelanded. :)

    But there's that slight chance of people getting banned and posts getting deleted. ;)

    Edit: This post was actually after Nermal's post, it just somehow appears to be first but it was waaaay after Nermal's. So please read his post first. :p :D

    Apr 20, 01:52 PM
    just wondering if it is possible to run lion as a virtuel machine using parallels

    Doctor Q
    Oct 19, 11:20 PM
    If you have a title in mind for this one, please post it here.

    Sep 30, 11:20 PM
    Let's kick this month off right with some excellent October desktops.

    As per before, ground rules apply.

    Monthly Desktops Guidelines:
    � For large images use [timg] rather than [img]
    � Use attachments when necessary so images don't disappear when they are removed from their source
    � When possible, include links to the full-sized original so others can download them. If you don't want to share, state that in your posts so others don't continue to ask for links.
    � When quoting a post with images, remove the images to reduce clutter

    Previous Iterations: September Desktops (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1005154) - August Desktops (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=981540) - June Desktops (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=10008638#post10008638) - May Desktops (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=9808053#post9808053)

    I'll start with a photo-chop of my last photo (http://att.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=253102&d=1285269067):

    Nov 11, 09:03 AM
    I had a little time on my hands and did an experiment to create reverse-ordered lists using css (http://paularmstrongdesigns.com/weblog/css/reverse-ordered-lists). Read about them and check the source of the example page. I'm looking for comments/critiques on the way it is done, (not the validity of doing so).


    Mar 19, 11:20 AM
    I was under the impression that it wasn't possible to use a PB display as an external monitor, unless you were running it over a network or whatnot.