anime guys with glasses

anime guys with glasses. anime guys with lack hair.
  • anime guys with lack hair.

  • redwarrior
    Apr 27, 10:32 PM
    Here is a nice place to start ( to learn about this. There are apps available (not free IIRC) that will allow for quite a bit of customization. But all (edit: well, not all, but a lot) of it can be done for free with enough research and time.

    Have fun! I spent hours upon hours playing around with this when I first switched from Windows to Mac. :)

    anime guys with glasses. Game/Manga/Anime Guys That
  • Game/Manga/Anime Guys That

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 13, 03:31 PM
    Does anybody know what happened to nadyne the Microsoft rep that used to hang around MacRumors and had good tips on how to solve certain issues with Office?
    I urgently need to get the template support in PowerPoint working correctly...

    It seems that her last post to the forum happened in October 2010...

    She probably left this place. Why would anyone want to do business here when all people do is trash Microsoft.

    anime guys with glasses. into a good guy in my eyes
  • into a good guy in my eyes

  • JasonHB
    May 2, 08:01 AM
    Yeah, I know about dragging it onto the mail icon, but that is a flick of the wrist, which is inherently more of a strain than two clicks with a finger! :D

    I never really knew about automator. I looked at it after you mentioned it, but can't figure out how to go about the task. If you have any pointers that'd be great.

    Try that, it should work.


    anime guys with glasses. he#39;s one of those guys
  • he#39;s one of those guys

  • IntelliUser
    Apr 3, 01:20 PM
    You mean we can't spend significantly less money on taxes and have the same quality of government? Shocker... :rolleyes:

    Yeah but some states have increased or set taxes virtually on everything and still managed to overspend their budget *cough*California*cough*.
    Gotta find a balance.

    anime guys with glasses. What kind of guy are you most
  • What kind of guy are you most

  • Surely
    May 6, 10:17 AM
    ^^^I now have an idea of which part of the city you live in, and that is no Conservative stronghold.

    "Save a few fighter jets"? You mean the billions of dollars that could be better spent on more important things, such as healthcare? Billions. And apparently, the numbers that the Conservatives are giving as the cost are way below what the actual cost will be.

    I need to add that the other reason that people voted Conservative is because they had little confidence in Ignatief. This was due to a number of factors, which include his own doing and the smear campaign that was run against him.

    I think that if a better leader would have been running the Liberals, they would have done much better.

    anime guys with glasses. with or without glasses
  • with or without glasses

  • backdraft
    Mar 24, 10:39 AM
    Apple has to at least match the toughbook for harsher climates and conditions:

    The military and the Army has had a "dialogue" with Apple for years... pretty much every project involving a piece of field equipment has gone to another manufacturer because of durability concerns.

    anime guys with glasses. Anime Boy with Glasses Shirt
  • Anime Boy with Glasses Shirt

  • chrisfromalbany
    Apr 1, 09:57 AM
    wonder if this is why direcTV never came out with this functionality. Generally they are ahead of the curve (TWC) with comes to actually providing value for the customers, to some degree.

    anime guys with glasses. Kame makes glasses look hot.
  • Kame makes glasses look hot.

  • eshroom
    Nov 25, 12:35 PM
    Good company. I had an FM transmitter from them. Nice case too.

    anime guys with glasses. all guys with glasses are.
  • all guys with glasses are.

  • PeterQVenkman
    Feb 26, 02:31 PM
    Very well said - the absurd pension benefits they get for so little time is a glaring example of the abuse of power that our elected parasites exhibit.

    If you don't mind, I'm going to steal your phrase "elected parasites." ;)

    anime guys with glasses. anime guy in a sharp suit,
  • anime guy in a sharp suit,

  • joejoejoe
    Jan 12, 04:08 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.

    I don't get all the confusion people are having...

    The push notifications just push your notifications... the little red numbers at the bottom right of the screen. Those, including new messages in your inbox and event invites (which don't show up as badges because they don't show up as little red notifications in to begin with.)

    You don't receive a notification whenever one of your hundreds of friends updates there status, so you won't receive a push notification on the facebook app either.

    anime guys with glasses. More Hot Anime Guys
  • More Hot Anime Guys

  • gammamonk
    Nov 11, 09:26 PM
    初めましてパソコンです。 - Nice to meet you, I'm a PC (Personal Computer).

    初めましてMacです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    ぅ? あなたもパソコンですよね。 - Eh? You're also a PC.

    うん、でも皆Macと呼んでるね。 - Yeah, but everybody calls me Mac.

    何かあなたと区別じゃないですか、友達みたいで。 - Is there anything to distinguish you from your friends? (Other computers)

    皆家で僕をPrivateに使うから親しみやすのかな。 - Everyone can use me privately in their home, so I'm very friendly.

    なるほど、私ビジネスくらい関係ばかりですから何か特別呼びなら欲しいです。 I see, since I do pretty much all business stuff, is there a name for me?

    仕事での付き合いがMainなら、ワークってどうかな。 Your association is mainly with work, how about we call you "Work."

    マックとワーク。。。マック!  Mac and Work... Mac!

    anime guys with glasses. the only guy in this anime
  • the only guy in this anime

  • e-coli
    Sep 13, 08:26 PM
    Dell a top tier vendor?

    actually, dell makes insanely great computers. their stock video cards generally aren't very good, but you can fix that easily.

    apple needs to catch up quickly. it's getting sad and pathetic. especially with the rumors that apple is just now scrambling to find someone to manufacture/replace the G5 or equivalent.

    anime guys with glasses. wouldn#39;t need glasses cos
  • wouldn#39;t need glasses cos

  • madhatter61
    Apr 5, 09:54 PM
    It will be interesting to see if Apple develops its own controller chip for ARM processors. Currently the Intel controller is designed for Intel processors that incorporate PCI express architecture. ARM architecture is quite different. Thunderbolt is currently designed for the standard Mac line of products using Intel Processors. All the mobile products are Arm based processors.

    The idea of having a common connector like minidisplay port is quite awesome, and the utilization is all in the software control approach. Dual channel, full bidirectional, with the possibility of multiple protocols running simultaneously with very high data rates. Apple is just covering their future bases, and doing it very nicely.

    I saw posts asking about backward compatibility possibilities. The answer is a definite no. But the future arrangements will be most interesting.

    One post wanted everything to go thru a standard phone jack. Not at all likely or even possible.

    anime guys with glasses. THIS FUCKING GUY seems to be
  • THIS FUCKING GUY seems to be

  • 840quadra
    May 24, 08:58 PM

    Now I need to remember this Thread when I get home and back to my Macintosh!!

    Thanks for the hard work, and the link!!

    anime guys with glasses. Hottest Blond Anime Guy?
  • Hottest Blond Anime Guy?

  • Salty Pirate
    Apr 25, 10:07 AM
    A 15" air would be SICK:eek:

    anime guys with glasses. I am not attached to guys who
  • I am not attached to guys who

  • Huntn
    May 1, 08:22 AM
    1. Real men ride Harleys.

    And Mac users consider themselves as computer savy, LOL! They prefer a simple OS that a monkey could use. Now that's savy.

    If a person is looking for the best overall experience, even if they lack technical skills, if not luck, it could be a very savvy decision. :)

    *sigh* Okay I give up.

    I don't think you are fearful and defensive. :)

    anime guys with glasses. Anime St. Louis Friday Part 1
  • Anime St. Louis Friday Part 1

  • Linito
    Dec 4, 01:36 PM
    it's all about power and making the most with that power, most of the electric power of a computer goes to waste in heat dissipation a chip like this would improve a lot computer efficiancy:eek:

    anime guys with glasses. anime guys with black hair and
  • anime guys with black hair and

  • G4DP
    Mar 28, 03:12 PM
    lol so you're totally ignoring that it also says Mac OS and that the Mac App Store also has icons like the iOS app store just so you can bitch about iOS again? didn't know it was time for your conspiracy theories again, we only had one just before the weekend...

    I think he;s going by the fact that iOS is mentioned before Mac OSX in the add.

    As someone earlier posted, I suppose those of us that use Apple computers as tools and not as a fashion item should just be grateful it is mentioned at all.

    anime guys with glasses. JapanaTen: The top ten anime
  • JapanaTen: The top ten anime

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 25, 04:11 PM
    I would love a 15" MBA.

    Apr 16, 02:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Let's hope he didn't use a cross compiler when making the app....

    Haha, exactly what I was thinking.

    Sometimes, the app store restrictions are a bit ridiculous, and when Apple realizes that they're dealing with people who know what they're doing, they remove those restrictions quickly.

    Mar 11, 09:00 AM
    We are 12th and 13th at Willow Bend. We are currently at the end of the line. There is a roped off area and they are saying LIMIT TWO PER PERSON.

    Apr 25, 09:15 AM
    It should work if you do it this way...

    Clever ;)

    Although I'm personally not a fan of using URL shorteners on forums where there's no character limit, I like seeing what website I'm about to go to, especially since I browse MR while at work. I don't want to click on a link that takes me to ;)

    May 31, 04:32 AM
    A solution is a solution no matter whether it's the Command Line or a GUI, besides that, a lot of apps also have a CLI equivalent, Property List Editor and defaults, Disk Utility and diskutil, Automator and automator, etc. So clearly articles involving Disk Utility would also need to include diskutil, and Automator would need to include it's CLI equivalent... not quite the same for the Plist editor and defaults I guess.

    Then there is something like Quicksilver, which is kind of a mix between the GUI and the Terminal, well actually I'd go so far as to say it's an interface paradigm in itself. Then there are preference pane apps which aren't full GUI apps, codecs like Perian and WMV Components which also happen to have preference panes by the way, small utilities like Jumpcut which can function in either the GUI or the CLI via the same keyboard shortcut and just extend the clipboard, so it's really hard to create an artificial distinction between them, and then there are X11 apps, and what about online apps like Google Docs? No, they're not Mac specific apps, but neither is something like, they just happen to be hosted online and work in a browser, but a solution is still a solution whether or not it's locally hosted or remote, has a GUI or uses the CLI, or has its own unique interface, uses Aqua, or uses the X Window System, or uses your browsers rendering engine.

    On the other hand, if we were to use subcategories as filters, then that would just have the effect of narrowing the list instead of forcing the user to click through to another category to find what they might be looking for so we wouldn't have to create a distinction between different types of Software in the main category.

    So in reality, Mac OS X is a hybrid breed and so you have to look at where the real distinction is, the Operating System provides the software for a functioning computer, Apple provides their Cocoa and Carbon developers with the HIG, and also provides a full UNIX environment that anyone can take advantage of, and also provides a powerful Rendering Engine in the OS that provides an environment for both Widgets and Web-based Apps to run in. Some people are scared of the Terminal, but the Guides are here and they can be a powerful tool for getting people more used to the idea of using the Terminal and getting the most out of their computer, or if they chose too, they can completely ignore it.


    Clearly there are both cases where there is too much categorisation and where there is not enough. I'm in favour of general guidelines based on the number of articles, ie new subcategories should have at least x articles, and categories with more than y articles may want to be broken up - of course, there will be exceptions, so they should be only very general guidelines.

    I'm open to a big change in the category organisation of the Guides, as it is clearly badly structured in some places. However, any new structure needs to be carefully designed and agreed upon, as it is a lot of work to change and very difficult to undo.

    Overly-general guidelines based on the number of articles is poor structure, if it gets vastly overcrowded then new subcategories should be used very sparingly, but without subsubcategories, a user won't have to click through more than 3 times to get to the article they want from the Guides page, Top Category>Subcategory>Article, and potentially most of the time, two, Top Category>Article, or they'll just search it out which is the most likely, but that doesn't mean a decent hierarchy should be given up since it allows the user to just browse articles of interest.


    Oct 26, 12:56 PM
    No PowerPC version? Ouch. Lets hope that's not a growing trend for all you golden oldies out there :p

    Yeah, I knew this was inevitable. (I'm running a 1.25 GHz G4 iMac.) That being said, for the applications I use (and this won't be one of them), I honestly don't see myself being forced to buy an Intel machine for a loooong time. Just because Adobe has decided to rpoceed in this manner doesn't mean other companies will follow suit. And you can bet that Apple definitely won't, at least not for a few more years. Heck, Classic was supported until what, last year essentially? And the G3 machines up until Leopard? ;) :cool: