Jude Law Fighting Back?

Watch out paparazzi! Jude Law has a mean back hand. A female photographer is accusing Jude Law of hitting her outside a London restaurant and is contemplating taking legal action against the actor, although she suffered no injuries.

Harsha Gopal was part of the group of paparazzi snapping pictures of Law as he was exiting Automat when flashes went off. Jude claims these flashed caused confusion, leading the star to flail his arms around, hitting Gopal. Gopal told the Daily Mail, "He hit me full on the face, it was a real stinger, it was very sore. It was really loud - there was a massive thud and my face is still stinging today. It was deliberate - you could see it in his face. Maybe he didn't realize he was hitting a girl, but he could at least apologize."

Law's lawyer stated that the claims "nonsense" and that Jude did say he was sorry. The lawyer said, "Last night's incident was an accident. Jude was blinded by the camera flashes when he left the restaurant, raised his hand to shield himself and inadvertently struck somebody standing very close. He apologized and left. Pictures of this sort can often be misleading."