Save Bucks On Beauty Basics
By Tiffany Kennedy
"You don't have to be rich to be beautiful,"-now where have we heard that before? Many women often spend way too much on beauty products and it just isn't necessary.
Here are some tips on looking glamorous and beautiful without being rich.
The best way to save lots of money on the beauty basics you love is to forget names and labels. If you could read the ingredient labels on the $25.00 and then the five dollar mascara, you'd probably see an almost identical listing. You could save twenty dollars on often used beauty items by ignoring the expensive label and choosing comparative, but inexpensive labeled products.
If you're still shopping for the high dollar labels to splurge on then you can spend those dollars on essential or specific need beauty products. These would be items such as foundation for sensitive skin or moisturizer for extra-dry skin types.
Having a manicure or pedicure professionally done at the salon is a real treat. Of course if saving money is an important goal too you may want to do this pampering at home or with a few of your friends. It's okay to use the professionals occasionally but you can do your own minor mani-pedi touchups and save a lot of money in between splurging.
You can also save a few bucks by using your own waxing kit for home use. Doing your own home waxing is way more cost efficient than that bi-weekly trek to the salon.
What about those expensive hair cuts? Of course nobody would suggest you do your own cuts and styles, but you can have a really good beauty treatment on your hair for less if you have a beauty school in your town.
Hair maintenance is also a huge money pit with the fluffing, curling, straightening products that we spend money on. You can spend hundreds of dollars at the beauty salon or beauty supply shop but you don't really need to. Finding great hair products to sleek hair or control frizz is in abundance at your local retail stores or drugstores and many have the same ingredients and work just as well as those expensive ones. You can spend a lot of money on hair maintenance products but why would you? The thrifty wise products are just as good and smell just as great.
There are many ways to save lots of money on looking good. You don't have to be rich to be beautiful but you can sure look like you are and still pocket the savings.
Tiffany Kennedy has been an online, freelance writer of hundreds of articles and several blogs in a number of niches. For more money saving tips on beauty products visit her blog: http://beautydealsbargains.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tiffany_Kennedy
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