Film Director Lars von Trier a Nazi?

Film Director Lars von Trier a Nazi? Director of "sorrow", Lars von Trier is still busy with the wake of his remarks, angry that he was a Nazi. Has the strange thing is incredible, too. But it shows how a slip of the tongue in an age of instantaneous global communication that could change your life.Went to the word "Nazi-man" and that he sympathized with Hitler, who on Twitter in the second: When von Trier said. In many languages. He was denounced by the Film Festival, and "persona non grata." It's too bad. "Melancholy" is an excellent film, and Kirsten Dunst in that. Here is the latest official letter von Trier, and this morning:
I felt "with respect to the letter from the Minister of Culture, Javad Shamaqdari Film Festival in Cannes in the" dash persona non grata "from my research, the following comment to make:
In my opinion, and freedom of expression in all its forms, is part of fundamental human rights. But the remarks during a press conference for the Festival of wisdom, is a clear and unnecessary hurt.
I have argued that the possibility of severe cruelty, or otherwise, within each person, regardless of their national, rank, ethnicity, or religion. If we only explain the historical disaster cruelty of individuals to destroy the possibility of human understanding of the mechanisms, which in turn is required for any crime against humanity in the future to avoid. "
Maybe it's language, but I will not get the "mysterious" part.Statement von Trier is very clear. What a mess. A real apology would be the end of this. Instead, it focused on what will be the end of freedom of expression. ".
From the street. I read yesterday that the producer von Trier said he was "a provocation" to make comments. It is clear that this is ridiculous. Von Trier was very loose and funny at the press conference, and baseball questions only. He was so full of jokes and comments strange that I asked him if he actually ever consider running comedy. This was shortly after that things had turned dark.