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  • wpotere
    Apr 15, 08:32 AM
    My office doesn't allow personal equipment in the building for the same reasons.

    Same here.... In fact, they can confiscate it and in some cases keep it!

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  • Bern
    Nov 10, 02:43 PM
    So are Rosetta improvements a pre-empt that we'll have to wait longer than expected for Adobe CS3?

    Oh well apparently I'll have to throw the CS2 I got in the trash :rolleyes:

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  • Ruahrc
    Apr 21, 04:39 PM
    That would be kind of Green IT. We all store copies of files Apple anyway have spinning on their disks. What a waste of disk space on global scale.

    Except its not very "green" to shuttle data all over the place because you no longer have a local copy. Think of the terabyes and terabytes of streaming bandwidth required for everyone to listen to the latest hit song via the cloud. What a waste of bandwidth on a global scale, and arguably, bandwidth comes at much more of a premium than disk/storage space.

    Not really sure what to make of this yet- but it is highly likely that I will have no use for it, as I keep my library as ALAC files too. That would be impractical from a storage and bandwidth standpoint to put on the cloud. I just hope that some improvements to iDisk come as a result of this.


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  • ChrisA
    Apr 22, 04:50 PM
    So they FINALLY figured out no one wants to pay more for an electronic copy than a print copy. I was expects about 1/2 the cover price for electronic copy. when that did not happen I lost interrest

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  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 20, 02:29 PM
    Many people seem to worry about the touchscreen thing. How about the apple remote then? Front Row works fine with it (it's still painfully slow but you get my point...). I can see a widescreen video iPod with those (existing) radio remote headphones (with the same controls as the apple remote and the shuffle) that you use just as you use front row. Add an infrared port so you can use the apple remote when your iPod is connected to a TV.

    The only downside would be you can't really scroll well... maybe they'll come up with a small-sized clickwheel (basically the apple remote control, except that the outer ring can be used to scroll just like on the big clickwheel).

    This may have been said (a few times) before: what if this rumored iPod video device actually works hand-in-hand with the iTV? Meaning, the iPod video could stream content to the iTV (as well as the iTV getting content from your Mac) AND also act as a remote (of sorts) for your iTV?

    That might be neat...

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  • Benjy91
    Apr 4, 09:54 PM
    Well its always been a phone a year.

    Now begin the rumors of what the phone has.

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  • dubbz
    Apr 29, 03:01 PM
    Looks like a lot of phones are in the "other" categories. I recall going abroad last year and seeing a lot of folks sporting Android devices.

    Pretty amazing number. I would love to see a more detailed list of that "Other" category.

    Android is not a consistent platform. A huge chunk of that "market share" is running 1.6 and is not compatible with anything in the Market. What I said is true. What you said sounds like a desperate attempt to redefine winning.

    3.5% is huge chunk? 90%+ runs 2.1 Eclair or higher. The majority of that being 2.2 Froyo.

    Source ( Numbers as of 1 April.

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  • PlipPlop
    Apr 29, 01:34 PM
    I only know 2 people with an iphone all the rest have either the HTC Desire or Desire HD. Once I showed my friends my Desire they all switched. Same as my work too. Nearly everyone had an iphone then I brought my HTC into the office and within a few weeks everyone had a Desire :D

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  • bopbop
    Oct 15, 03:20 AM
    per mr krykert
    I happen to have the displeasure of knowing a good many more than I'd like to, and I'm telling you there's no way that a full 45% of that student body are blue-blooded Mac users. Princetonians are a people lacking utterly in subtlety and charm, and even poorer in aesthetic intuition. They're the people who pose with upturned collars! I can't stress strongly enough: These people aren't Mac users. They're switcheurs.


    Nonetheless I have to respond. When I was at Princeton noone used Macs. I have only been using them since 1996, a veritable poseur.

    I did own an Apple ][ plus in 1981 (taught myself Pascal after I bought the language card for $1k), IIe, IIgs and Pismo Powerbook as well as a 7600 132 and my now aging MMD dual 1 ghz and 15inch 1.33PB. Enuff bragging about my bloodlines?
    My first computer was a time shared GE 6200 in 1968.

    Oh and I graduated from Princeton in 1973. the workhorse there then was an IBM 360/91 and personal computing was a TTY.

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  • Enigmatic
    Jan 17, 06:24 PM
    My latest desktop wallpaper

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  • itickings
    Apr 5, 02:40 PM
    The iPad was much tougher than expected, I'll give it that.

    Those blenders are not toys, and the host is so perfect for the task. Great form of advertising. :)

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  • materials
    Nov 13, 02:09 PM
    Why on earth does anyone care about such a trivial matter?
    What difference does some actors presence within an Ad make?

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  • MTShipp
    Dec 7, 02:04 PM
    This app has been available to their employees for a while now. I recall meeting with reps several months ago and seeing this. When asked if I could have it, they said it was internal only for now and would be out in a couple of weeks. Yes, a couple of we get it several months later. :rolleyes:

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  • Platform
    Sep 13, 04:57 AM
    I like the little thing, especially at the price point....;)

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  • gugy
    Oct 20, 12:47 PM
    if the true video ipod is really coming will be before Thanksgiving, not after. They can't miss the biggest shopping weekend of the year.
    So, is either before Thanksging or at MWSF or later. I hope it is the same of they will launch the Zune.

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  • Lixivial
    Oct 12, 09:51 PM
    3D audio cues? How would you get anything above 1D audio cues?

    I presume it's a similar notion to the way video games utilize "3D stereo sound" -- the cue will be in relation to the position to the item's placement on the screen. (As it says in the original post.)

    So if you have a window on the extreme left side of your screen, you'll hear VoiceOver out of the left speaker; if it's in the middle, you'll hear it equally in both, etc.

    EDIT: Heeeeee. Much better explanation posted quicker than my meager attempts. Clearly Chef Medeski is a much better person than I should ever hope to be!

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  • Hisdem
    Jan 15, 04:34 PM
    Been a while since I've posted here. So, here goes.

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  • mactarkus
    Sep 12, 11:39 AM
    I just got off a plane in Atlanta waiting for my connection so I paid the $6 to get wireless internet on my laptop just so I can see what the announcements are. Steve better make it worth my while!

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  • BillyShears
    Oct 12, 11:24 PM
    If there are "top secret" features, I would guess they would have to be apps if it's going to be released at MWSF? There couldn't be significant changes to the operating system without developer testing before then. Unless they are going to introduce the "top secret" features after Vista has shipped (someone was saying that's next month?) But even that seems like a really quick testing phase for developers.

    franswa za
    Apr 6, 12:51 PM
    my machine is a few years old, but still the load time for Word or Excel to open is excruciating.

    please read #39


    steve ballmer

    ps- and soon we'll GIVE you a windoze/snorkia phone for free........

    Sep 29, 07:07 PM
    Sweet! Does 3g unrestrictor work for this too??

    Don't know what that is (going to assume it's a jailbroken app), but the EyeTV app works officially in both 3G and Wi-fi environments.

    And for all the newbies that can't turn on NAT-PMP, a screen shot is attached. It's exactly the same for AirPort Express too. If you don't have an Apple router, turn on UPNP in your router's settings (it's probably turned on by default). This is the same technology that requires "Back to My Mac" to work.

    Apr 22, 12:19 PM
    Offer a reasonable subscription price and people will buy it. I refuse to pay $3.99 an issue for wired. Read the comments on the app store, most people are holding out for fairly priced subscriptions before they will spend anymore money.

    Oct 22, 12:17 PM
    I think Apple may be moving to fix the "scratching issue". Anybody here have a new nano?

    Apr 19, 04:48 AM

    you guys keep in mind that ONLY FCP is 299. I think Final Cut Pro STUDIO will be around 500-600 Dollar. Still a "Pro-User" pricing so to speak. So most Pro's will go for the suite anyway. I think it's great that Apple is selling the programm itself for this price. It keeps Final Cut Pro alive and I hope that it will be updated more frequently because hopefully more people will use it.

    So, are the days of "buy the full version/suit once - get a upgrade for 1/3 of the price with your license" over?? You have to buy the bits and pieces of the FC Suit seperately from release to release - although a bit cheaper - but far from the good deal the upgrades used to be...??