Pray Hard for Japan

OMG, OMFG, the weather is fucking hottie man, sweat rolled down my cheek, my back and even every part of my body and pimpers on my face are like volcano eruption, shit, I am desperately going to facial this week, yeah I know it's natural since we teenagers are undergoing puberty, but..... I just don;t want lar. I don't care whether mommy fetching me going there or not, it is a must to go, I don't care. If mommy is not fetching me, so perhaps I will contact a taxi from the Yellow Page. lmao.

Anyway, talking about volcano eruption, which is a natural disaster which can steal away people life time, three days or four days ago, Japan's citizen faced natural disaster which is devastated tsunami that flatten the city of Ishinomaki City and taken away more that 10 thousand lifes, this was sad. Eveyone around shattered in tiny pieces after hearing this news, can you imagine it, if the non-victim shattered in pieces when they heard the news about it, how about those victim who involve in this tsunami? We can never know how they feel, we can never know what are they really thinking, and we can never ever guess, so all we can do is just... donate money or do anything with our energy or pray for them.

I found some pictures from the Internet,

Oh my, look at this, look at this, it's sad, you knw what the sea is saying? the sea was saying :" HAHAHA, I'm coming to engulf you all into my stomach!" and you guys know what's the resident's saying? They are begging :" GOD, please help us, please let us to stay alive, we will give YOU whatever you wanted from me, please."

 Truthfully, we can never guess what they're saying, but we can feel what they're thinking, so GOD, please let all the citizen in Japan to be safe, please. Because I think this is what they're begging for.

Row Row Row your boat

People said if you give money to others, that will only means that you're only caring for others, but as for me, HELPING OTHERS is only caring and loving.

Anyway, when I am flipping throught the pages in the google, I got a news from Japan saying that, they found a baby after 4 days, and it's a miracle.

Amid the silent corpses a baby cried out - and Japan met its tiniest miracle.

On March 14 soldiers from the Japanese Defense Force were going door-to-door, pulling bodies from homes flattened by the earthquake and tsunami in Ishinomaki City, a coastal town northeast of Senda. More accustomed to the crunching of rubble and the sloshing of mud than to the sound of life, they dismissed the baby's cry as a mistake. Until they heard it again

They made their way to the pile of debris, and carefully removed fragments of wood and slate, shattered glass and rock. And then they saw her: a four-month old baby girl in a pink woolen bear suit.
The tidal wave literally swept the unnamed girl away from her parents' arms when it hit their home on March 11. Since then her parents - both of whom survived the disaster - have taken refuge in their wrecked house, and worried that their little girl was dead. Soldiers managed to reunite the baby with her overjoyed father shortly after the rescue.

If you guys don't want the world to be like the movie in "The Sinking Of Japan" or "2012", so people love our coutry more, be grateful more, and appreciate more. That's all I can say. Pray Hard for Japan <3