G-d Bless Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck is a mensch, a good, decent and righteous man. He is the only member of the morally bankrupt and thoroughly corrupt mainstream media who has spoken of the heinous Manson-type murders in Israel by devout Muslims.

How can I express my gratitude and admiration for Mr. Beck? This clip is from his show on the 14th.

Today Glenn spoke about it again, and pointed out the silence of the [ene]media. He went on to honor the extraordinary courage, dignity and strength of 12-year-old Tamar Fogel, who said:

    "I will be strong and succeed in overcoming this," Tamar said. "I understand the task that stands before me, and I will be a mother to my siblings."

Beck opined that someone of that singular strength and character at 12  years of age must have been brought up by extraordinary parents with extraordinary values. Yes, indeed. Jewish values.

Thank you, Glenn Beck. We won't forget.