Spray Tan - The Ideal Tan
By Andrea Phoenix
Everyone seems to like the idea of a sun-kissed body. A tan not only makes you feel healthier but it can make you look slimmer and more attractive too. The bronzed look is wanted by many famous people and the media as a whole all over the western world. For a natural tan we have to wait till we are on holiday or summertime to achieve this as the sun isn't strong enough during the rest of the year in most cases unless we live somewhere near the equator.
With advances in beauty science we are now able to get a tan the safer way without the need for the sun using fake tan techniques. One of these that has become more popular and accessible in recent years is the spray tan. The spray tan can be administered at home if you have your own spray tan machine or in a salon. Many high street salons offer this service and its an easy way to ensure the result looks as professional as it can be. And, once you have a had a couple of sessions in a salon based environment you can buy the spray tan for yourself and do it in the comfort of your own home.
Simply exfoliate well and make sure you have shaved the day previously, dry yourself off after a shower or bath and then ensure the can is 20 cm or so away from you and start to spray in an even manner. Once completed stand still for a little while to make sure you are fully dry then dress as normal. You should start to bronze within a few hours and the result should last for up to 10 days. It's a much safer way than naturally tanning as your skin will not get any sun damage. Also ideal for a party or special occasion.
This author writes about the spray tan and spray tanning
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrea_Phoenix
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