Chocolate Cocktails
Author: Cord Ziggler
Chocolate is a flavor that can match almost anything which you may wish to accompany it with. The rich, dark, and diverse flavors of chocolate have been combined with countless different dishes and drinks, its hard finding something that would not benefit from the addition of chocolate to the mix. It is equally hard to find someone who can resist the offer of some chocolate. So why not try adding chocolate to a cocktail; such a combination is one I am sure nobody would be able to turn their nose up at.
Combining chocolate with cocktails is a delicate process however. The rich flavors of chocolate means that the volume you use must be just right so that you acquire all the essential dark flavors while not overloading your cocktail, rendering it sickly and overpowering. This rule can be ignored though if you are a chocoholic of course; in that case go mad. But the key to all cocktails is balance, and it is no exception with chocolate cocktails.
There is many ways you can add chocolate to drinks: Creme de cacao, chocolate liqueurs, cocoa power, chocolate syrup, chocolate vodka, cocoa nibs or even chocolate bitters. This great variety gives chocolate cocktails a great range and flexibility. There are countless chocolate cocktails recipes that will satisfy your chocolate cravings for years to come, and plenty of room for experimenting yourself. Here is a selection of chocolate cocktails that will be sure to hit the spot.
Perhaps the most natural ingredient chocolate can be combined with is coffee. They share a similar history and botanical make-up, making them ideal partners for mixing in a cocktail. To make a chocolate coffee cocktail you will need 1/4 oz brandy or cognac, 1/2 oz dark Creme de Cacao, 1/2 oz chocolate syrup, 4 oz hot coffee, 1 oz milk, plus some whipped double cream. To prepare this dark and smooth cocktail put all the ingredients except the cream into a pan and gently heat, pour into a tall glass or a mug. Finish by topping with whipped cream and dust with cocoa for the perfectly luxurious finishing touch.
For a twist on a classic you could try a Chocolate Cherry Manhattan. For this you will need 1 1/2 oz Rye whiskey, 1/2 oz Martini Rossato, 1/5 oz dark chocolate liqueur and 1/5 oz Fernet Branca. Mix all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice until properly chilled and strain into a glass. For a special touch you can garnish with a couple of cherries dipped in dark chocolate.
If your tipple of choice is rum then you can try your hand at a chocolate rum cocktail. To create this delicious cocktail you will need 1 1/2 oz dark rum, 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao, 1/2 oz light cream, and 1/2 oz white Cr¨¨me de Menthe. To prepare place all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake well with ice before straining into a cocktail glass.
For an easy and effective twist on the ever favorite White Russian cocktail you can simple replace the use of Kahlua with Creme de Cacao for a chocolaty edge. To make this quick to make cocktail you will need 1 oz vodka, 1 oz Creme de Cacao, and 1 oz cream. Simply place all the ingredients in a shaker with ice, go to work with your shaking skills, and its ready serve.
The final cocktail on our list of a cross section of chocolaty cocktails is another transformed classic, the Holy Mole Margarita. This cocktail includes which combines 1 1/5 oz tequila, 1/5 oz cacao blanco, 1/4 oz dark chocolate liqueur, a dash of orange bitters, plus a dash of Bitter Truth xocolatl mole bitters. To finish this cocktail off perfectly you can garnish it by dipping the cocktail glass into chocolate syrup before dipping it into chocolate sprinkles, heaven for any chocolate lover.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/drinks-articles/chocolate-cocktails-3818703.html
About the Author
Cocktail Zen provides chocolate cocktail recipes and vodka drinks to any one with a web connection.
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