LWC - The Groundhog Day Cocktail

Lisa's Weekly Coffee: The Groundhog Day Cocktail

Groundhog Day is here and the question we all ask ourselves is: "Will the Groundhog see his shadow or not"?
"Is Spring just around the corner"? I'm sure it's in everyone's desire to welcome Spring.

Groundhog Day is not known to have any particular color but since we are in the mist of Winter and thinking Spring , I don't see why we shouldn't consider Green to be the perfect Groundhog Day color.
Therefore I decided to search for green cocktails and I feel that The Green Apple Martini is the perfect drink to celebrate Groundhog Day. So I say: " Cheers to Mr Groundhog and to Spring"!

Green Apple Martini Source: idrink.com


1.0 oz Apple Schnapps
1.0 splash Vermouth
1.0 oz OVAL Vodka

Directions: Mix ingredients together, can be served either shaken or stirred. Dry Vermouth works better than sweet and De Kuyper's "Sour Apple Pucker" works best to give it the green apple flavor. For effect, it should be served in a martini glass with a round of green apple floating on top.

Happy Groundhog Day!!

LWC for ShesDaily.com

Disclosure: the above publication is for entertainment purposes only. Image courtesy google.