Good news!

You all know the trials and tribulations I have had over the last 18 months (I have moaned enough) so it's time for me to announce my good news! I've got a new job! It's the same job title, but working on more creative projects, more traveling and no more dull suburban working - I'll be back in the big smoke!

I am thrilled to bits as the people there seem so friendly, they are really pro staff and there's a real sense of team work. I have been very isolated in the last few months being the only UK person in a US team so it will be lovely to work among all office-based people. You take foregranted things like being able to pop over to someone's desk and discuss something, rather than having to wait 5 hours and then things get lost in translation over the phone. Anyway, now that I am joining commuter land again I can trade in my expensive 'don't want to break down' car and get a more modest car that gets me the couple of miles to the train station everyday. Also means I can clear some debts. I am very excited and really hope that this will be a great new start for me! :-)

Right, off to view a car now so I do hope you all have wonderful weekends whatever you have planned.


Sian x