can't wait for the new season of THE CITY..

Olivia, Jay, Whitney, Erin, and... Adam.. (oooh! i hate that name!! haha.. motip?)

oooh!! kinda late kan?? aku bru jer pas hbs tgk The City kat web Mtv... aiyo... 13 episodes semuanya... best la jugak The City!! but, best lagi The Hills.. hehe.. The City nie mgisarkan kisah Whitney Port from LA.. pindah ke NY... tuk keje dgn DVF... dri ctulah dier jumpa Olivia Palermo! yg kekwat!! mane x kekwat! socialite katanyerrrr!! haha.. tp, dier cantik lah! part i yg paling geram kat Olivia nie time dier yg dpt credit kat cover Elle mag!! damn!! walhal.. Whitney Port yg pilih dress tuk Jessica Alba utk cover tuh... time Whitney pilih dress tuh! si Olivia.. x suke pun! tp, dier dpt credit dri org atasan.. what a BITCH!!!

Olivia Palermo

nasib la ko betul2 dari golongan socialite! kalo ko saje nak UPkan diri.. baik xyah!! (mcm sstgh org tuh!) LOSER.

n part yg paling sedih.. ialah epi terakhir season 1 The City.. when Jay asking Whitney... to be back in relationship.. n Whitney just said... too little too late! and... i lost myself in us!! erk.. sedihnyerrrr..

(eh! over lak aku nie...)

so guys.... if tgh bosan2... xde wat apa2... tgk2 la The City keyh... ENJOY!!

trailer!!!! :)

Whitney Port