A tag and an award, thank you!

I have been tagged by Flossie and Tom and this is what I have to do:

1) Link to the person who tags you
2) Post the rules on your blog
3) Write 6 random things about yourself
4) Tag 6 people at the end of the post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged.
6 Random things about me....

The six random things about me are:

1. I once bumped into Richard Hammond (Top Gear presenter). I was working as a research scientist at a food laboratory and he was filming a programme on food additives. Yes he is indeed 5'0. I was towering over him! :-)

2. I cannot stand it when people on the train decide to conduct their business/social phone conversations - I wish they would just get up earlier or wait until they have left the train, why should other peeps have to listen to their business?! I also find it really, really cringe worthy when women apply make-up on the train!

3. I HATE bananas - it's beyond a simple dislike though, I'm convinced I have bananaphobia!

4. I LOVE science fiction films, always have done ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I remember my mum used to let me stay up until 7pm and watch Buck Rogers!

5. I always say 'Breakfast', 'Lunch' and 'Dinner', and never say 'Tea'?!?!

6. I look after my teeth really well and have only 1 tiny filling. Not bad going for someone who's just coming up to their 29th birthday! I think it's so important to look after your teeth. I try not to have any sweets that stay in your mouth for any length of time and I try not to have fizzy drinks. The last time I went to the dentist he looked at me with a face like thunder and said 'nothing, absolutely nothing!' - obviously he realised he wasn't going to get any money out of me!

I think most of you have done this tag already so I will let whoever is reading this decide if they want to have a go.

I also got this lovely award from Debbie, thank you so much!

Again, I think most people have had this so if you feel you are deserving or if you would like to pass this onto someone feel free! :-)