Local produce, you can't beat it!

You remember I said I got half a pig for Christmas? Well, we are getting it from the lovely lady Sharon who runs this farm just up the road. I like this farm particularly because you get to see the pigs and the little piglets. Also, most of the things they sell, unlike these fancy 'organic farm shops', are made locally. They may not be 'organic' by definition, but they don't use any chemicals and are local to us. We like to buy the gorgeous apple juice that is made round the corner at the local pig orchard, and I cannot recommend these gorgeous cheeses enough. I went to see a lady that works at the dairy (bizarrely enough she responded to my freecycle request for pallets to build our log store) and she kindly gave us lots of freebies to taste, just delicious!

When I spoke to Sharon I was thinking that would be say £150. Oh no, you get several leg and shoulder joints, 10 bags of 6 sausages, loads of chops and steaks, a selection of belly pork joints and rashers (I've asked just for rashers so that I can make pancetta), and spare ribs. Of course you can also have the head and the trotters if you so wish, we of course will because I like to be thrifty with my food. How much would you say? Have a guess....


What a bargain eh? I tell you what, 10 joints in the supermarket alone would cost you that and the quality wouldn't be anywhere near as nice. I know not all of you will have chest freezers, but I suppose there's nothing to stop people gathering together with a few friends and sharing. We already have one of Tim's friends at work who's interested in getting half a pig for himself! :-)

When Tim next goes to the states he's going to bring back the mincer and the sausage maker attachment for the Kitchen aid so that we can make our very own sausages! So watch this space! :-)

We certainly have a busy week this week, I'm really getting back into the swing of work. I had my appraisal and it was really good. They said I was punching way above my job description, certainly for someone who's supposed to be in a junior position. They also acknowledged the fact that I have been under immense pressure and my boss even said that he's surprised I didn't leave because I had taken on so much. So all in all very positive!

I have spinning tomorrow night and then I have to make some presents because my really good friend at work is going on maternity leave. We are like 2 peas in a pod and I shall be sad to see her go. She's just like me only 10 years older. She didn't want kids for ages - I model myself on her. I think having kids later on would suit me down to the ground. Then we are off to Marcus Wareing's restaurant, I'm so excited. Yes, I have zero money but oh well, we'll just skate over that fact! I'll have to have beans on toast for 3 weeks!

'Lost' is also back on TV so we're back to having Lost nights on Fridays. Our old next-door neighbours are coming to watch it with us. We'll also be exchanging very late Christmas and birthday presents! Then of course on Saturday I have my acting course and on Sunday it's Tim's birthday. Phew! :-)