What Strange Things Do People Put In Their Hair?
By Sam Qamand Jack M Mack
Ye olde recipes for luscious hair...
Our hair is very important to us; more important than most of us (especially guys) would like to admit, and this has been true for hundreds of years. Because of this we have come up with some weird and wonderful ways of getting our hair looking nice, no matter how bizarre the solution is. This article will look at some of the strangest kitchen style recipes for improving your hair:
Honey and Olive Oil
This concoction has been used by housewives for many years as a replacement for conditioner. It may not seem so surprising too as most conditioners have something similar to honey and natural oils, not just for their aroma, but because they have properties that do the job.
Many people really hate mayonnaise so this could be a tough sell. Nevertheless, rubbing a load of mayonnaise into your head is said to combat any signs of a dry and flaky scalp. This works because mayonnaise is made of eggs, oil and mustard. All of which individually have been shown to have good health benefits for skin, so why not when they are combined in mayonnaise?
Lentil Water and Orange Peel
If you suffer from greasy hair it is said that if you: soak a bunch of lentils in water for an hour then discard the lentils, boil some orange peel in separate water, then after a while combine the two liquids into one concoction, this will do wonders to remove the oil from your hair. Just make sure it is cooled down a bit first.
Coconut and Lemon Juice
Dandruff is certainly the bane of many black top wearing people around the world. It is thought that by combining two parts coconut oil with one part lemon juice then massaging this regularly into your scalp for several weeks; you should eventually get rid of the problem. Not something you would expect to see in a classic salon design studio. A more stinky option is to combine mustard with camphor oil, but this is only recommended for people who live at least 3 square miles from another human being with a nose. Don't want to get any on your fancy salon furniture!
Another possibly even more natural way to improve the condition of your hair is to improve your health overall. Your body is one big organic machine so by improving your diet, exercising more and avoiding unhealthy options you should give your hair a chance of naturally becoming less greasy, less flaky and generally better quality.
Won't get rid of the grey though!
Sam Qam is a housewife. She has found that despite all the fancy salon design and salon furniture, her favourite place to go to cut her hair is the local barbers. Simple is best for her.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Qam
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