Priyanka Chopra is open to association with dushman Kareena Kapoor’s boyfriend Saif Ali Khan and his business partner Dinesh Vijana. Bebo is obviously to see red.
“Saif has been shooting for his home production Agent Vinod all this week during the day at Filmistan Studios in Goregaon while Priyanka has been shooting nights for Karan Johar’s Agneepath in Versova,” said source.
Now the stars are set to meet other stars they are friends with, when shooting in the same studio or in the vicinity. Interestingly, Priyanka and Saif though socially cordial, are not friendly.
"And yet, PC, who was shooting a film ad in the afternoon Filmistan, asked Dinesh to show his agent Vinod set, after her shoot was done.
As it turns out, one reason Kaminey couple Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka split up because he felt that his guy was not as emotionally invested in the relationship when he was with Bebo.