An actor-director-producer Sasikumar strongly believes in the saying ‘it’s your work that should speak. The actor, who has been relentlessly working for his latest film, has now wrapped up 70 per cent of the shoot. “It’s been a long time since I faced the media. I was so held up with the shoot that I had no time to breathe,” says Sasi.
The film boasts of an impressive star cast—Vaibhav, Ananya, Samudrakani, Azhagappan and Tulasi of Mahanadhi fame. In fact, everyone on the sets was so busy with their work that there was absolutely no free time. The film should be ready in two months,” says he. Looks like the efforts have paid off as the shoot for the film is nearing completion at such a short interval. ‘Work, work and work’ — Is that the secret of your success, Sasi?